
Do we have enough black superheroes

    Well this been brewing for quite a long time. I’m a inspiring artist and sometimes i sit back and wonder... Where the hell is the BLACK COMIC CHARACTERS? I want to wear a tee shirt when there’s a comic convention or Halloween or just anywhere out in public. I want to go out and dress as my own culture, a black powerful character. But I can’t, because I feel as we don’t have enough. We have very few selection; Black Panther (GOD rest Boswick soul), Blade, Chapel, Spiderman (Miles), Black Lightning, Static Shock, Falcon, Cyborg, Kilmonger, wait who’s going to pull that off Spawn? Well that’s naming practically all of the black characters. Either way, where’s our heroes and Heroines? To name a few black female characters; Storm, Vixen... Oh wait! Black characters that can hold their own, that’s on the level of Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel.     My frustration comes with watching previews of comic movies or cosplays and the only thing we have is supporting characters excluding Black Pan